“The emotional, physical and aesthetic value of a sound is linked not only to the causal explanation we attribute to it but also to its own qualities of timbre and texture, to its own personal vibration.”

Complete Audio Post-Production , producing bespoke work for UK & International clients in Advertising, Feature Film, Animation, TV, Radio, VR, Digital and Gaming.

A D V E R T I S E M E N T | F I L M | T E L E V I S I O N S | A N I M A T I O N | G A M E S

About Us

Sound carries a unique story

Causal Sound is a dynamic force in the world of audio post-production, offering complete audio post-production services, creating bespoke work for UK & International clients.  We are a remote studio building its reputation for exceptional audio. Our journey began with a simple yet profound belief: that sound has the power to transform ordinary content into extraordinary experiences. We understand that sound is not just an accessory but a vital storyteller and we are commited to delivering bespoke audio that captivates audiences, adding a layer of authenticity that leaves a lasting impression. 

We work with a diverse range of clients across film, television, music, podcasts, and advertising, tailoring our services to meet your unique needs. Our mission is simple: to make your content stand out, to make it unforgettable, and to make your audience feel the power of sound with every image.

Our Services

Complete Audio Post-Production

Sound Design

With advanced recording, editing, and processing techniques, we create bespoke, original sound design that enriches your projects.

Sound FX Editing & Tracklay

With meticulous attention to detail, we seamlessly cut, edit & layer sound effects engaging your audience in a rich, immersive sonic experience.

Foley Recording & Editing

With a variety of props and a dedicated Foley room, we are enhancing your character's performance, bringing your audience closer to the action.

VO & ADR Recording | Dialogue Editing

With cutting-edge technology and a keen ear for detail, we refine dialogues for film, television, podcasts, and more.


Whether it is composing or sourcing the perfect tracks, we can accomodate all your music requirements.

Mixing & Mastering

Bringing all elements together to create an authentic experience for both cinema and online viewing.

Latest Projects



Sound Design & Editing | Dialogue Editing |  Mixing



Sound Design & Editing | Foley | Dialogue Editing |  Mixing



Sound Design & Editing | Dialogue Editing | Mixing